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Now Available: The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit Vol. 8!

 Long overdue, but worth the wait, The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit Vol. 8 is now available!  Gaze in wonder at the cover by Clint "...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We're Live on DriveThru Comics!

AIM Comics is live on DriveThru Comics!  This is just one of the partners we're lining up for digital distribution of our books, and we've kicked off by making "Why Comics?" available from them as a free pdf download.  I've been reading offerings from DriveThru for a couple of years, and I know that they have a great catalog of independent publishers as well as some big names over there, so I'm proud to be able to join their ranks.
Head on over to the AIM Comics page at DriveThru and grab yourself a copy of "Why Comics?" to get a taste of what DriveThru can deliver!

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