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Now Available: The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit Vol. 8!

 Long overdue, but worth the wait, The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit Vol. 8 is now available!  Gaze in wonder at the cover by Clint ...

Friday, April 27, 2012

AIM Comics is Now Live on Graphicly!

As of right about...now!...AIM Comics is live on Graphicly
Graphicly, a true innovator in digital comics, has recently opened up their digital publishing platform to give access to a wider group of content creators, and I'm stoked to say that AIM Comics is now one of those creators.
Starting with "The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit" Volume 1, and with volume 2 to follow shortly, and with volume 3 forthcoming in the next few weeks, all of AIM Comics books will be available to read through the Graphicly service.  It's "web only" for now, until we make enough money to pay for their conversion process to other platforms, but ideally, you'll eventually be able to read these books on your i-Things and Android-whatsits as well.
I've been trying to hook into the Graphicly service almost from the very start, so I'm happy to finally see it happen.  These guys seem to have a good grasp of the digital comics market and will certainly help bring AIM Comics to a much wider audience.  With this addition to our list of distributors, I think we're finally hitting on all the major streams, and I can now concentrate on pushing the readers to give our books a try. 
"Brutal Blade" Vol. 1 is kicking things off with a low price of just 99 cents for 72 pages of material, so if you haven't already done so...or heck, even if you have....why not head over to Graphicly, grab a copy, and see what it's all about?
Oh...and if you do, I'd love to hear what you think of this new platform, and the book itself.  Drop me a line or leave a comment and make your opinion known!

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