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Now Available: The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit Vol. 8!

 Long overdue, but worth the wait, The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit Vol. 8 is now available!  Gaze in wonder at the cover by Clint ...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Coming At You Live!

Ladies and gentlemen, AIM Comics is on the air!
All our digital stores are up and running, and you can see the links to all our various distributors on your right.
The first volume of "The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit" is now officially available for purchase in your choice of formats from your choice of stores.

Get Bruno Vol. 1 on Gumroad!

If you want the print edition, the top link at right will direct you to our Createspace store page where you can order the book shipped to you right from Amazon.  The print edition is only $6.99 (USD) + shipping, and you get a lot of bang for that buck.

Either Wowio or DriveThru Comics (depending on where you have or want to get a membership) will deliver the book to you in a nice crisp, DRM-free pdf for reading on your computer or mobile device.
Meanwhile, the MyDigitalComics service has the handy choice of either pdf, cbr (a very friendly format; I recommend using CDisplay to read it on any flavor of Windows) or read online versions.
All of our digital editions are only $1.99, and at 74 pages (including covers), it's about the most comic you're going to find for that price.

And just what do you get for your entertainment dollars?  Well...not only do you get a baker's dozen (that's thirteen, doncha know!) collected Bruno the Bandit stories, complete in one book, but you also get a brand spankin' new introduction by Bill (Kevin and Kell) Holbrook, plus a spate of pinups from a veritable Who's Who of webcomics, including Pete (Sluggy Freelance) Abrams, Chris (Superosity) Crosby, and Jeff (General Protection Fault) Darlington, among others.  Leave us not forget that the whole thing comes wrapped up in a dashing new cover by none other than legendary Conan artist Ernie Chan, with commentary by equally legendary comics writer Roy Thomas!
Now where are you going to find a better deal than that?

Naturally, I'd love to hear from anyone who purchases a copy of the book - in any format.  Your opinions matter to me, so if you have comments, critiques, suggestions, or just want to tell us how wonderful we are, one and all are welcome to email me and share your thoughts.  I will do my best to respond to each and every one of you, so put me to the test and flood me with messages.

"The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit" ...hot off the press and yours for the taking.  Go get it...and enjoy!

Update 02/02/11:  Since it takes Amazon a little longer to index the book properly for its main site, the book was not available in Amazon search yesterday.  It is now available by searching "Bruno the Bandit' on Amazon, or by going directly to this link.
Also, need I remind everyone that reviews, at Amazon or at any of our digital stores, are welcome, encouraged and highly recommended?  Of course I need not, 'cause you're all going to do it, right?  Right?

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